Better Understanding: Diversity in Ultimate

Editor/Contributor: Tatenda
Interviewer: Hazard

So, this may be a little cheeky, but the Better Understanding series on this blog has been one of the series that we are most passionate about. The aim of "Better Understanding" is to talk about the subjects less talked about in day-to-day Ultimate: motherhood, fatherhood, chronic fatigue, and IBS have been the topics covered so far.

With that in mind, a recent conversation between Hazard and Tatenda inspired by Color of Ultimate definitely fits in this category, so we're sharing it here with the Better Understanding tag to help it build into the larger discussion. However, the piece was hosted on Tatenda's channel and so we'll just include the link here, in order to encourage you to go check it out. Please give it a listen, and use it to inspire further conversations where you can!

Also, check out the original Color of Ultimate documentary that inspired our discussion though this link

UMWON isn't happening so we had a chat instead

Chair/Editor: Hazard
Conributors: Miyen (UCL), Clackers (Lancaster), Hately (Liverpool)

Since UMWON was cancelled, we got a few of the writers together to chat about a few topics. We ended up covering the following, questions will be in bold to make them easier to find. Let us know your thoughts too!

1. Best Uni Game you played this year
2. Thoughts on BUCS league
3. Thoughts on moving UXON to June
4. Best Club in your region
5. Ways to deal with Covid-19 as a team.

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Hello everyone! Welcome to a chat between some of our uni writers of the 2019/20 season. This is going to be a friendly chat that will delve in and out of a few topics. For now though, why don't you introduce yourselves?

I'm Clackers, I play(ed) for Lancaster but am currently clubless. I generally write for the North but have dabbled elsewhere, especially this year - if you see a bedraggled IKEA shark at a tournament then I'm around somewhere

Hello, I’m Miyen! I play(ed) at UCL and have just started a season with Deep Space. I generally write for the East & London region, but also wrote an all-region preview for UWIN last February. I usually focus on the women’s side of things, but can probably get opinionated about any division. :))

Hi I'm Hately, still playing for Liverpool (and will be for the next few years). I'm currently still trying to make a successful prediction about uni ultimate.

@Hately, UCL did appreciate your effort last November though

And for those that don't know me, I'm Harry (aka Hazard). Pretty much finished for Oxford Uni, and currently signed on a tournament-by-tournament contract to Oxford Ultimate, although I've previously played for lots of other teams. I've been a secondary editor this season due to time constraints, but previously was responsible for whichever uni take you loved/hated the most.

Alright, let's start with a bit of a fun one. What's your favourite uni game you've played this year?

I honestly don't really remember any indoor season game in enough detail to have it as a favourite, so it might have to be our BUCS league match against Sheffield Hallam - we were roughly 3-1 down and managed to turn it around to roughly 9-3 up.

For me, my favourite game has to come from Division 2 UXIN, as the tournament was full of them. I think, within that tournament, I'd say our quarter final against Hertfordshire. It was a nailbiting game the entire way, with both teams playing high intensity mixed and the lead very much up in the air. Plus, I do enjoy marking people like Ernie Simmons.

As an aside while people type, my favourite point was against Edinburgh at the same tournament. They had an amazing pull which took us right to the back corner. They charged down, thinking they'd pinned us, but we'd already agreed our first play was Phili Kent going long. We had a one pass score straight to the endzone, and it was so successful that it ended up being our first offensive play in every subsequent game.

As a captain, I always enjoy UCL’s LUSL (London University Sports League) matches, particularly the ones against LSE. For those that aren’t familiar with LUSL, it’s a mixed Wednesday league that runs around London and sees a lot of smaller uni teams that haven’t been able to field a BUCS team, particularly on their women’s side. UCL usually sends our beginners and developmental players to play these matches, and it’s been really fulfilling watching everyone grow and improve as players!

My favourite match that I’ve played is probably our BUCS Fixture match against Imperial. Despite being rivals, we have a lot of friends there, and it’s always insanely spirited. That game was extremely windy and rainy and went to Universe Point, but despite being soaked, they made it a very positive and fun experience!

No particular favourite game for me this season. But my highlight was our men’s performance at the Youtdoors tournament. Our first real tournament (in decent conditions) with a squad of 8 of which 4 were beginners. Finished 2nd but was blown away with the performances from everyone on the squad #prouddad

HazardHow did we all find the BUCS league this year? I'm particularly interested in Women's BUCS as a new format, but I'm also just curious overall.

For those readers who don't know, women's BUCS league followed the ECV or "elective central venue" format, so the teams agree to play multiple games against different opposition at one venue (for example ourselves and Lancaster played one of our ECV's at Keele). The main benefits behind it are that it allows for a greater number of players to attend (e.g. experienced players) which otherwise may not be able to make most Wednesday fixtures when the bus leaves at 9:00am. It also shows newer players the standard format for our summer tournaments.

Ah, the BUCS league. Lots of mixed feelings there, and the fact that we didn’t have a nationals made it very difficult to see how it all turned out.

From the captain’s perspective, I personally found the Women's BUCS league very difficult administratively. BUCS kept changing our dates for some reason, despite UKU’s publicized dates, making it really difficult to figure out who would be available. It was also rather disorganized on the venue side, figuring out who was hosting, because we ended up having really tiny pitches at Hertfordshire with a cable running 7 ft in the air through the middle of the pitch and botching a lot of our throws. There was also a lot of confusion as to how many teams per region would qualify, leading me to basically tell my team, “we must win everything or else”. High-pressure environment there, oops.

I guess the few positive points are that we were able to spread our 4 matches over 2 days (which didn’t actually work for UCL, but did for other teams), and that we had Sunday’s off in months that were very frisbee-filled with club trials and indoor tournaments. But that was also a bit of a setback - a lot of our women did have to miss a club trial or a friendly tournament that they had wanted to play due to these Saturday fixtures.

Overall, my take is to go back to UWOR. Having a full tournament weekend is both easier to commit to, and (seems) more logistically convenient.

It was also disappointing that the second set of BUCS fixtures took place during COWIN! Given that captains are always trying to encourage players to join club, it sucked having to tell players to choose their uni team over the club

Our BUCS league (Northern 2A) also made the unfortunate decision to use the same format as the Women's BUCS league, and it was fraught with complications - although not as many as the Northern Women's League - as club Vice Captain I was involved in our women's team as well so privy to how much of a cluster it was. 
There was one positive for having an ECV format, and that was more players were available for the games, which was good. However...

Men first:
A large problem with weekend fixtures is that they need weekends to play them in. Term 1 only has 1 or 2 available weekends to play fixtures, and for the Men's league it rained, so the Term 1 weekend was called off. At 8pm on the Friday night before it was to happen, after our AU had closed, and therefore unable to cancel our 6am transport.

The earliness of that transport led to another problem, and that was the constant breaking of BUCS regulations - it states that no weekend game should start before 10am, however games were constantly scheduled for 9am. For the rearranged Term 1 tournament, in Term 2, there were no organisers, and the BUCS 9am scheduling was before the host's sports centre was open on weekends, so all the timings were delayed anyway. For being a weekend tournament, there was obviously no one at AUs to contact for advice. Similarly for the Term 2 tournament, weather forced us to play on different surface pitches at very late notice, and these pitches were not available for the timings in the BUCS Schedule. However the weekend could not have been cancelled, because then there would not have been any spare weekends to have fixtures on in the month (even with no virus).

@Clackers - I did follow what was happening with the Northern Women. I was extremely baffled by that split between the “top and bottom half” of the league, before the second half of fixtures, given that teams had not all played each other. Did fixtures end up getting rescheduled after all of those named storms?


Now Women:

There was very little communication on dates for the Term 1 weekend, and although on the day it was well organised, it ended up being on a different day to what was originally theorised, leading to a team to pull out. Alongside some more disregard for BUCS regulations about conduct regarding rearranged games.

And then the League split. This came out of nowhere, and affected the two leagues which only had 1 division. For some reason, BUCS closed all league games before the 2nd weekend was due to happen. I imagine this was because the 2nd weekend became impossible to play in having to find a venue and timetable for 8 teams in 1 location. Which maybe should have been a consideration before the scheduling had begun... So all teams were mightily confused about what was happening, and initially our women's team was placed in the higher bracket, but then moved into the lower bracket as the league table shifted around. Which is a consequence of unilateral entering of scores into BUCS - you could just play around with results how you wished.

For the lower bracket final, there ended up no weekend able to host the 4 teams - not that there was any need, because the top 4 qualified for div 1, and the bottom 4 qualified for div 2 - this also meant that it became impossible for teams to change their qualification status.

We had to forfeit all our lower bracket games - although we had to forfeit against a team that already forfeited, so no idea how that worked

@Clackers, if the ECV format was perhaps better organised and had greater communication from AUs and BUCS, would you prefer that format for Men’s BUCS compared to the Wednesday format? Assuming both weekends take place after Xmas.

@Hately - Considering we had three storms in three consecutive weekends, having weekend fixtures is not a good idea imo and I'd prefer Wednesday fixtures again, purely for the flexibility and for the communication aspects (we have AUs available to us if things go wrong)

Obviously there are issues with the Weekend format, just as there are issues with the Wednesday fixtures. It's just seeing which is overall a better route to go down.

ECV is also feasibly impossible for league sizes greater than six (like many of the lower leagues) because of how long games are, regulations on game start, and when sunset is

Yeah definitely. I think they'd have to be limited to six teams maximum per event, and three games each

Following on from this discussion on leagues, I'm curious as to if anyone has any thoughts about the UKU Mixed Club League.

I actually just joined the club scene this year, moving out from U20s and Canadian Juniors in previous seasons. So I can’t really speak about what it used to be. I think Deep Space has an interesting approach to the Ranking Events, calling it the “pre season” and then using the time between MRE3 and Regionals as the “season” and attending other international tournaments. I think Herd takes a slightly different approach because they do send players to WOREs or their players go play for open/women’s teams, whereas DS generally asks players to commit to the team for the full season, over open/women’s teams.

I've made my feelings on BUCS league fairly well known, but I will say that leagues in general I'm not a fan of, as they promote the worst aspects of tournaments for me (increased travel) and decrease the best aspects (community, as no one talks after games and just heads straight home). I feel the same aspect would hold in a mixed club league, and also makes it harder to build teams in those areas without a current strong team, as people will probably try to play locally.

Here's a topic I definitely would have raised in an earlier point if we had chats this year: What do we think of the decision to move UXON from Easter-ish time to June?

Moving UXON to June was a great idea for practical purposes, although on a personal note it had usually been good practice before our varsity match

I can understand why they would want to move it, as it would open up another "free" weekend in the uni calendar during term time. But i think if it was earlier we'd possibly see greater availability from players, and therefore more universities entering. Perhaps this wouldn't affect who would finish in the medal spots, but would help increase participation from Unis with newer programmes.

June 13-14 is actually still in the middle of some exams for us. Even though March/April was out of term time, it was likely still better overall - Oxford basically goes awol for final term trainings. I would be interested to see if international students would have been affected more by this date as well.

A lot of our international players had already told us (Liverpool) that they would have already gone home by this date. So we had decided not to enter this year.

UCL was pretty disappointed by this decision, but we understood that it would be feasible for other teams.

For us, there were a lot of inflexible obstacles:

- All final exams for undergraduate degrees of all years take place in May and June. If the tournament took place in June, players most likely would not be attending trainings in the months leading up to UXON, especially since UMWON would’ve taken place 2 months earlier in April.

- UCL has quite a lot of international students and players who often leave the UK for the summer holidays immediately after they finish exams. Since the significant majority of students are finished with their exams by May 25, it was highly likely that our team simply would not have enough players to enter a tournament in June, and certainly would not be competing with our strongest possible team if we did attend.

- Finally, the month of June is often filled with club ultimate commitments. Even if these events don’t clash, It was likely that our students would be limited on their financial & time budgets for ultimate, and might’ve then chosen to prioritise spending on the club ultimate than university ultimate.

Given that UCL won UXON last year, arguably the medal spots would have been affected. But obviously maybe not.

As a related point, would everyone have handed over committees/captainships by June? We usually have final term as a changeover term for new captains to find their feet, whereas having UXON there would be something we'd have to adapt around.

We normally select our new captains before UMWON, but the actual handover only takes place over the summer. We’ve been lucky to have club players fill in captain roles, so the overlap/handover period has been less important

We changed our club constitution to not officially hand over captaining tournaments until after UXON, but trainings would have been run by the new captains after our Varsity in May

Let's pivot slightly now to more of a retrospective view. Across the divisions, who would you say has the best overall uni club in your region this year? (I can't seem to get into BUCS play without a login and at this point I'm too lazy to try, so my analysis will just be indoors and therefore South-East).

UCL for East and London. I know I have a biased viewpoint, but I do think it’s objectively true!

I think I have to go with Surrey for the South East, because three third place finishes (and top south east team in the eastern women's indoor regionals) is very impressive. I’d place Sussex as next best with two regional victories in men's/mixed, but a slightly lower finish in women's takes away the top spot. I know Sussex won Div 1 Men and did a bit better at UXIN. Surrey women did do well at UWIN though, and did get to three Div 1 nationals overall. Different weightings would have given Sussex the top spot - but as they already have trophies I don't feel bad giving Surrey the win here.

I'd say the team that impressed me most is Chichester though. They made Div 1 in mixed/women's, and Div 2 in men's. They had a power year a couple years ago in women, and it looks as though they've been building back up, and I want to recognise them for that.

Posted during the chat by hazard.
As I said when I posted - I do think I give UKUltimemes enough credit for what they do.

I back your opinion on Surrey. Their indoor women's team was looking quite strong this year - I was already impressed by their semifinal win against Imperial for EUWIR, but they took a respectable top 8 finish at UWIN and genuinely showed a lot of improvement between Regionals and Nats.

I also want to shout out Oxford Brookes women's team - this was basically a last hurrah for them, and they qualified for Div 1 despite not really being close in any other division. Did fairly well at nationals too (13th/20).

Since it looks like Scotland's unrepresented by our group, I'll try to take a crack at them.

Overall, I'd probably put my vote towards Strathclyde (3rd at UXIN and UMIN, 12th at UWIN, and top of Women's BUCS league). For Scottish women though, I definitely need to shout out St Andrew's, who ended up sending THREE teams to UWIN, with their first team getting 6th, which was the best that Scotland did at UWIN this year. StA's took 3rd at Women's BUCS league - I wish I knew more about what happened there because it seems like they have a lot of depth.

I'd say that Liverpool John Moores are worth a mention. They only entered two divisions (Mens indoor and Mixed indoor) but qualified for Div 1 in both, and placed well in the final standings.

John Moores also had the highest placed northern nationals team at one of those. Despite Newcastle's dominant women's performance, I'd have to say Durham might be my overall northern pick looking across all results. 2nd at mens, 9ths at women's and 13th at mixed (all div 1 nationals) is nothing to sniff at.

Ed's note: Sorry if we didn't get to your region - we'd been chatting for a while at this point. Please volunteer to be writers next year to help us cover you!

I feel we've been avoiding it this chat, but I'd like to ask directly how you and your team have dealt with the current Covid-19 situation? This is a tough time for all of us, and sharing tips and advice with each other is something that can help us all.

If anyone wants to see a bunch of frisbee players discuss the situation pre-lockdown (as well as outline exactly why throwing with non-housemates is so bad, and even public throwing with housemates isn't great), the link is here.

Most of our players have scurried back to our humbale abodes (including some in Hawaii, Singapore, Malaysia and Canada), so the biggest concern for us when organising Zoom meetings has been figuring out the sweet spot when we're all awake across the different time zones.

I think what's keeping morale high has been the different challenges going on Instagram. We're currently competing against LSE and Kings to get to 10K squat jumps, our AU has been handing out Handstand challenges to different sports clubs, and we recently created an "ultimate bingo" to fill out. Our team's fitness groups have also been good motivation boosts!

I'm hosting an online social tonight (I've found the best video call so far - free, no login, no time limit, fine for all non-safari browsers). Games with MS paint are a lot of fun, as is jackbox and online catan. There's a good list of free online games here

We've definitely been getting some good fitness tips from our sports fed too - although the local club has been doing fitness calls biweekly at a time I can't do, that I think a fair few uni players are getting involved in.

Our captains were good about emailing out to people once we found things out though. Hoping for a few more socials after this one.

Our club had a fitness fb group, and we've co-opted it so that every player is giving lockdown updates as motivation for everyone else - we're doing online socials, and also have a club discord now It's sad that most people left on uncertain terms, and might not see each other again in person (especially for me because I'm finalish year). Some people have been keeping fit and challenging each other

Let's close there! Wash your hands everyone, and check in with your teammates. See you on the field some point soon.

Division 2 University Women’s Indoor Nationals 2019-20 Preview

Editor: Nic
Writer: Maya
Christmas is long gone and the exam period is finally over, which can only mean one thing - the biggest event of the university indoor season is upon us, University Women’s Indoor Nationals. This year’s women’s competitions are being held at Ravenscraig’s indoor 3G pitches, a far cry from last year’s location in Nottingham, and it’s almost time to boot up. 
Following its debut last year, this is the second University Women’s Indoor Nationals Division 2 competition ever. Division 2 rewards teams who just miss the Division 1 mark the opportunity to be ranked nationally, and to show the continued growth of women’s ultimate in the UK. This year, we will witness impressively accomplished second teams, and even one third team at Nationals, who have managed to force other university first teams out the way on their journey to the tournament. 
Being only in the second year of competition makes predictions slightly tougher to make. Nonetheless, here are some thoughts:


Let’s begin with arguably the toughest region on the map, the North. This region now boasts ten spots at Nationals following its’ teams’ brilliant performances at Nationals last year. Four of the top eight Division 1 finishers were Northern teams whilst Durham and Sheffield snatched third and fifth in the second Division competition. The wealth of talent in the region means teams like Sheffield, who just missed out on Division 1 this year are not necessarily shy of the skill needed to compete at Division 1 level. For roughly this reason, my bets are hedged on Sheffield making the Division 2 final. They’re agile, are willing to play both a long and short game and never rely on key players for points. They’ll also be gaining Becca Mighell, an all-round player who was injured at the time of Regionals. If she’s back on form, it will be tough for competitors to challenge Sheffield.

Leeds 2 could also cause a storm. They are the only second team who qualified for Nationals in the region. Speaking to Emily Potter (GB U24, Spice Ultimate), who has been coaching the team whilst playing for Leeds 1, I gained insight into the second team’s success. She explained, they gained a wealth of women last year and have picked up some remarkable freshers. Whilst they are a team of largely intermediates, and employ a simple offensive strategy, they don’t crack under pressure, which is where other teams can falter, making poor decisions and turning over. The mastering of these basic skills enabled them to beat several first teams at Regionals. They will also have a couple of stronger players who couldn’t make Regionals, so keep an eye out for Leeds. 


Cardiff is the West’s highest seeded team. They lost out to Birmingham 11-6 in their game to go which could indicate they are not quite at medalling level. At Regionals they seemed to rely on a couple of key players whose flow Birmingham managed to stifle. Having said this, Cardiff are a quick team and if they cherish the disc on offence, utilise all their players and maintain a strong mental game, they’ll likely still finish relatively high in the table, meddling amongst the top contenders.

It seems Warwick could surpass their seeding. They finished an impressive fifth at Mixed Nationals in December, above Loughborough, St Andrews and Newcastle whose women are particularly impressive. They can’t have achieved this result without tough women so it will be intriguing see if they surprise other teams after having had the opportunity to gel some more.


The Eastern region have the most spots available for Division 1 yet can only gift three teams with Division 2 spots. Those that secured these places were St Mary’s, LSE and Brighton. This is Brighton and St Mary’s first opportunity to show their power at Division 2 Nationals so it’s an exciting year for both teams who’ve shown improvement since last season. LSE competed in Division 2 last year and finished ninth. Thus, it seems these teams are unlikely to cause great waves at Nationals especially as most regions will have have their fifth and sixth regional finishers competing for the top spots at Division 2 Nationals, whereas the East’s seventh, eighth and ninth finishers are competing for the same medals. For this reason, it seems these teams may struggle against other region’s higher finishers.


Lastly, we must consider the effect the Scottish powerhouses will have on the tables. This year Nationals will be on their turf, so they have the slight advantage of more sleep and a shorter journey. This year St Andrews have unbelievably managed to qualify three teams for Nationals! Whilst Scottish teams do have greater student retention due to players predominantly having four-year courses, this is still an impressive achievement so congratulations to them. We’ll be seeing their second and third teams play in Division 2. St Andrew’s second team managed to finish eighth in this division last year. However, bar Warwick and Sheffield, the other teams above them made Division 1 or didn’t make Nationals at all this year so they could potentially achieve fifth or sixth place this year if they play well. Edinburgh just missed out on Division 1 in a tough game to go against Dundee, so will have been happy to take the wildcard spot (although they were our favourites to win Division 2).

St. Andrew' will have a lot of players representing at Nationals this weekend
Photo Credit: University of St. Andrews Ultimate Club Facebook

Top 8 predictions
1. Sheffield
2. Cardiff
3. Plymouth
4. Manchester
5. Warwick
6. St. Andrews 2
7. Leeds 2
8. St. Mary's

Wherever teams finish, the level of competitive Ultimate in Division 2 is promising for the future landscape of women’s ultimate. Good luck to all the teams heading to Ravenscraig. Run hard and fast…you’ll need the stamina for the upcoming outdoor season. 

University Indoors in the Past Decade

Writer/Editor: Hazard A couple of weeks ago, I  wrote an article talking about how UXIR has see n a drop in both the number of teams and th...